Integrity Compliance Guidelines

The World Bank Group

The World Bank Group Integrity Compliance Guidelines incorporate standards, principles and components commonly recognized by many institutions and entities as good governance and anti-fraud and corruption practices. Requires compliance programs to include the performance of due diligence on intermediaries for entities seeking to end a debarment or conditional debarment.

Key Facts
The World Bank Group's sanctions system puts emphasis on debarred parties meeting certain integrity compliance conditions before they can once again participate in Bank Group-financed activities. These conditions encourage debarred parties to focus on rehabilitating their business practices. The existing sanction of debarment with conditional release has become the default sanction for cases initiated under the Bank Group's revised Sanctions Procedures as of April 2012. Integral to the advancement of this is the development of a full bodied integrity compliance program.

Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions: Integrity Compliance at the World Bank

PwC White Paper: The Case for Risk-Based Due Diligence: A practical approach to a complex problem

Who it affects
Any entity awarded a World Bank-financed contract.

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