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About the Database
IntelliNews, the editorial arm of Emerging Markets Direct, delivers market moving news and reports in English for over 15 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as regionally for the Middle East/ North Africa, Nigeria/ Ivory Coast, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia.

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About the Publisher
IntelliNews, the editorial arm of Emerging Markets Direct, delivers market moving news and reports in English for over 15 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as regionally for the Middle East/ North Africa, Nigeria/ Ivory Coast, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia. At the core of the IntelliNews service are the daily reports. Each report is a two-page summary of the main market-moving events in a given country. Distributed 5 days a week, these dailies combine news, analyses, comments and forecasts, focusing on macroeconomics and country-specific politics, as well as major financial and corporate news.

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