D&B Premium

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About the Database
D&B has the world's largest database, with information on more than 200 million companies. The information is collected in more than 240 countries, 95 languages and 181 currency units. The database is updated 1.5 million times a day to provide you with the most up-to-date, complete and reliable information. Includes D-U-N-S Market Identifiers.

Company Profiles & Financials

Dun & Bradstreet http://www.dnb.com/

About the Publisher
D&B is a leading provider of business information globally, enabling business-to-business commerce. Business information is gathered in 214 countries, in 95 languages or dialects, covering 181 monetary currencies. D&B has the largest company database available, with information on approximately 75 million* companies worldwide - for credit, marketing and purchasing decisions. Businesses use D&B's information and technology to authenticate and verify potential trading partners online, increasing their trust and confidence in e-commerce transactions.

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